Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Is (Almost) Here!

I am so excited about Christmas this year. Chris and I aren't really doing any gifts for each other, and our family is all far away (except Uncle Ryan of course) but I am so excited for my Cyler's first Christmas. Today, Alison and the kids gave Cy some AWESOME Christmas presents and he was so excited! It was so cute to see his eyes light up when the new things were opened up...he could not get enough of it! I cannot wait until Christmas morning to see my baby get all excited. We came home from work and showed Chris all of Cy's new things and they played for a while. And then, Cy decided he was going to stay sitting on his own - for quite some time! So, we officially have an unassisted sitter! He was so thrilled to be playing with his new "gumball machine" and stacking cups that he just sat and sat and sat! So sweet to watch him literally grow and change before my eyes. Next stop...crawling!! As much as I love having him as my little baby, I am starting to sloooowly see Chris' side and can't wait to see my little baby boy turn into a big kid.
Well, back to Christmas - so tomorrow, I am making Christmas Eve dinner and Ryan and my friend Angie are coming over. We have a 21 pound turkey and I am going to keep it easy other than that...mashed taters, some veggies, a couple pies. Then, I am going to make some "Santa" cookies and the breakfast casserole for Christmas morning. Can't wait! :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Smells like Christmas!

Wow, where has the time gone?!? I can't believe Christmas is in a couple of days! And I can't believe my Cyler is almost 5 months old! CRAZY! I am so excited about Christmas with him though....cannot WAIT to see him playing with all of that wrapping paper (and his new toys of course!). He is such a big boy now! He is sitting on his own for little bits of time, and is even hanging on to the edges of furniture and standing up when I set him down. His favorite toy right now is his Sophie Giraffe from Grammie Carol and his Razbaby teether....the kid likes to chew! He has given us a recent run for our money waking up at night...apparently this is some 4 month sleep regression that none of us are very happy about but he is such a love nonetheless. And, I can't complain, he still goes down for bed every night SO easily and when he does wake up, he just eats for a minute or takes his paci and goes right back to sleep. I still look at him at least 20 times a day and say something to the effect of "he is so wonderful" or "Chris, don't we have the most perfect baby?!" I think Chris is getting sick of my sappiness....but he IS wonderful and he IS the most perfect baby! Well, I admit, I am a BIT biased, but seriously, he is such a ball of love and I just can't get over how amazing being his mom really is.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

4 months (+)

So, I have been really bad about my little blog lately! Cy is already four months old - and a couple WEEKS! He is rolling and moving and almost able to sit without our help! Where is my little newborn!? AH! So much fun! He has been going through a little growth spurt and the sleep has been a little bit...ummm...interesting! Last week he had his first Santa experience. He was verrry confused but it was a memory never the less...a very pricey memory! $24.99 just for a CD with ONE image on it. Ah, they sure know how to get the money from mommy! Oh, well, one for the scrapbook. We also put up the tree this weekend and decorated for Christmas! I love it! Christmas is absolutely my most favorite time of the year. Here is the $25 shot!:

Also, side note, I have been crazy crafting and Alison had a party to showcase my clothes and kids accessories. It went pretty well, and I am still working on some orders. Hopefully I can really get this business step is putting everything on etsy to sell. Can't wait!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Well, my little baby is looking more like a little boy everyday! He figured out how to roll onto his tummy from his back on Saturday night and immediately flipped back over onto his back and has been flipping and flopping ever since! He is mobile and mommy was NOT ready yet! I cannot believe how much he grows and changes every single day. I am definitely cherishing every little moment with my little baby because I can tell that in the blink of an eye, he won't be a little baby anymore. Chris can't WAIT for him to be big and walking and talking, and don't get me wrong, I can't wait to see the little boy he is going to turn into, but I know that this baby phase is so short and so quick and I am loving every single little second.....even those 3 in the morning wake up calls!
He is such a happy baby and it puts a smile on my face that he literally makes everyone around him so happy. Random strangers at the grocery store or the mall are always stopping and checking him out and he smiles at everyone! It's so awesome to have such a happy baby, reassures me that Chris and I are doing a good job, I guess :).

On another note, Cyler has apparently entered into the "I only want my mom and dad" phase. Chris and I got to attend a winter gala for an organization called BOMA with some of his work colleagues and get all dressed up! Well, we left Cy with Uncle Ry and his friend, Lily, and apparently, he was not his easy-baby self. Chris and I had a great time, but when we got home well after 11pm, poor Cy was still awake and cranky! Once we got home, he was ok, but his sleep was still a little off that night. Apparently, Lily was a Godsend and I know Ry has a ton of patience, so I think it was alright, I just wish he had slept a little longer than normal.

On yet ANOTHER note, I have always hated the fact that people screw up my name. I would say 9.9 times out of 10, people think my name is Michelle, not Rachelle, and the other 1% of the time, people think my name is ROchelle....and when they read it, they say "Rachel." It has always been annoying, hence going by "Chelle." Well, I don't know how I missed this in naming Cyler, but apparently, he has this naming issue as well. First time I saw this in action was at his 1 month check up, when the doctor actually called him "Cycle." Really? Cycle?! Ugh. Then, I have people (like the insurance lady on the phone) who read it as "Kyler". Now, whenever I tell someone what his name is, they think I am saying "Skylar" or "Tyler". :( Bummer. Oh well, I love his name, and like calling him "Cy" which seems to be easier for nimrods to figure out....I hope :).

Friday, November 5, 2010

Catching up!

Time seems to be slipping away from me lately. Things are getting hectic! Cyler had his first Halloween and was (in my biased opinion) THE cutest little monkey I have EVER seen! Just look:

And another one with Mommy and Daddy!:

Now that Halloween is over, Thanksgiving and Christmas seem to be so close! I am going to have to be a busy bee in the next couple of weeks! Alison is being so so generous and is hosting a "Holiday Open House" at her house the weekend after Thanksgiving. I am bringing all of my clothes and bows and goodies to sell and hopefully get some custom orders to get a little extra moolah for Christmas and also get my little business a jump start. I cannot wait to open my etsy store!
Also, next weekend, we are going to a black tie event for BOMA with some of Chris' coworkers and colleagues. Uncle Ryan is goign to babysit Cy for us and I am way excited to get out of the house and get all dressed up! Now all I need to do is to find a dress to fit my booty right now! haha. I AM down to my pre-pregnancy weight, but I definitely have some pounds to lose, and since aving Cy, my body is definitely holding its weight much differently, so not much is really fitting me well right now. So, along with work and school and getting my business up and running, I have started working out with a personal trainer two days a week and do cardio two other days a week after work. It already feels good to be trying to get healthy again - it has been a LONG time since I have really been at a good weight for myself and I can't wait to go shopping for new clothes at the end of it all. Shopping is ZERO fun when you think your body looks like crap! haha Anyway - wish me luck in all these crazy endeavors! :)
Wish me luck!

Friday, October 29, 2010

3 Months old?!? How can it be?

My little love is already 3 months old! I cannot believe how fast time is flying. He seems like such a big boy now - definitely grew out of the newborn stage. He is "talking" like crazy to everyone around and HATES to be laying down. Now that he has learned about holding our hands to sit up or stand, he is always trying to get himself upright. He is growing out of his clothes SO fast and I can only imagine how much he weighs now. He feels so heavy to me. He is grabbing at his toys and especially loves his whoozit and this one ring rattle that he just shakes around constantly. He still loves his swing and is now more into his bouncy seat too. Every time we put him in there he SCREAMS and then we look at him and realize he has a huge grin on his face and is having a ball. His other new "trick" is spinning himself around on the floor. I will set him on his playmat and walk awat or turn around, and when I come back, he has done some 180 degree pivot or is off the mat altogether! haha.
He is still a decent sleeper and even though he still wakes up once and then is up at the crack of dawn, I am ok with that, because bedtime is so easy for us. Every night we get him fed, change him, get him in his jammies, read a story, swaddle him up, kiss him goodnight, set him in bed, and that is that. He puts himself to sleep with zero fuss and has since birth - how lucky are we?! I am thoroughly enjoying it because I know that bedtime won't always be this blissful. And every morning is always so nice. Even if I am insanely exhausted and can't believe he wants me to be awake at 6am, he always has the BIGGEST smile on his face and just wants to cuddle up with mommy in bed. Every day he seems to get stronger and smarter and more like a real live person (haha) and it is so so SO fun to watch him change. It does make me a little sad that he isn't that tiny sleepy immobile baby anymore but seeing him grow up already has been incredible. I think Chris is getting sick of me saying "Chris, we have such a perfect little baby," every single day.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Omigoodness, its been a while! Things have been crazy since I have been back at work - time is just flying by it seems! Well, Cy is turning into such a little "person"! Everyday, he seems to get stronger and smarter. He smiles all day long and is starting to be a lot more finnicky. When he eats, everything little thing ticks him off, but when he sleeps, nothing can wake him and he is doing great at night! YAY! He also is loving "sitting up" - especially with chris. the two of them practice "sit-ups" everyday and he gets this huge grin on his face like "woah, did you see that?? how cool am i?!?" I love it. He is growing out of all of his 3 month clothes and today is already 12 weeks old! Cannot believe it. Where did the time go?!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tall skinny bebe

So, we went to the doctor for Cy's 2 month check up and he is gonna be one tall skinny boy....just like daddy! He weighs 12lb. 2oz. (4lb. 10oz. more than birth) and is 24.5 inches long (4.75 inches up from birth)! He is in the 59th percentile for weight and 95th for height. Projected to be about 6'5", 180 lb.....does this sound like someone you know?! haha...He also said what he said at his one month appointment...he should continue to grow quickly until he reaches the 100th percentile for height or beyond, getting there by about 9 months! YIKES! One tall baby coming right up! I know Chris is already excited about getting him onto the basketball court.
On another note, he also got his first round of vaccines today :(. He definitely cried a little but don't worry, mommy was just fine! He was a little cranky today, but tonight he decided to just hang with mommy and smile, smile, smile! What a love!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Well, Cyler was two months old yesterday!...INSANE! Where has the time gone to? He is such an amazing little baby - and yes, I am biased! But, he is so alert and strong and happy and his little personality is starting to really shine through. He is smiling all the time and loves kisses from mommy! His new favorite people are Katie and Nathan - he cannot get enough of them. He just stares at them and tracks them around the room when they are playing with him or near him! So cute to watch. We have his 2 month check tomorrow so I will have his stats - he hasn't been weighed in a couple of weeks so I am guessing he will be at least 12 pounds but who knows! Also, he will get his shots so pray for me that I don't come home with a cranky mess of a baby.
Cy is also turning into a blankie kind of kid...which doesn't really surprise me, I definitely loved my blankie and so did Uncle Ryan. He just loves being in his swing with his paci, his blankie and his little cow that Grammie Carol got him....and then covers up his face and konks out for a nap! So cute, but makes me nervous so I then have to check him every few minutes to make sure he isn't suffocating himself. haha. Anyway, I will put his pictures up later on, but I think he is changing so much, he looks bigger everyday!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Back to work!

I have been neglectful of this blog because things have been hectic! Having Chris' mom and dad here was great - they fell in love with Cy and we had a great time showing them around San Diego. We even got to go eat at Mr. A's and Uncle Ryan came over to babysit Cyler. It was really nice to get out and have an awesome dinner and know that Cy was in such good hands.
On another note, I am back to work and I love seeing Katie and Nathan again! They are so sweet with Cy....Nathan just wants to sit and play with him and Katie jumps up to help every time I need to change his diaper. Very cute! It is so nice to be able to work and still have my baby with me all day. I don't know how moms drop their kids off at daycare everyday! I would be a basket case I'm sure, so I feel VERY lucky that I get to bring him along! So far things are going ok at work - but it is still day 4 back! So, continue to wish me luck!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Cyler Meets Grandpa and Grandma Roman!

Chris' parents are in town for a few days and we could not be happier. It is so nice that they get to meet Cy when he is still little - even though I already think he looks HUGE! The kid is a-growin'!! Meghan also got to see him again today and it was nice to visit with her even if it was only for a little bit. We are hopefully hitting up Balboa Park tomorrow to walk around and maybe even go the the Prado for some yummmmy food!
On another note - I have the smartest baby in the world....he is totally holding his own head up - it is amazing how strong he is - and even is sitting unassisted in his Bumbo seat (pictures to come soon). Then, he was laying on his tummy on Chris' lap and not only lifted up his head and looked around the room (which he loves to do during tummy time) BUT - he totally pushed himself up and supported himself with his arms! AH! Seriously - I was like - ummm CHRIS he should not be able to do that yet! So GO BABY GO! Cannot wait to see what each new day brings with Cyler. It is so amazing to watch how quickly he is changing! Can't wait for more new things everyday!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Nice little Sunday

I swear - Cyler gets cuter every day! He was a very happy and smiling boy today! He is really good at tracking us and also is really starting to be interested in some of his toys. He especially loves when I put him on his play mat. It has this toy octopus with a rattle that hangs from the center of the play mat bars and he just bats at it non stop! He is definitely starting to get a little personality of his own and it is so fun to watch him change every day. He is finally slowing down on the diaper changes lately - yay - so we are going to be done with the disposables very soon. Chris' cousin already sent us a few of the cloth diapers and so far they have worked great so we are really excited to get the rest of them - not to mention they are SO much cuter than the pampers. He also has been napping in his own room a lot - we have not totally transferred him into his crib because 1. he still is waking up at 4 am and isn't 100% predictable at night yet so it is sooo much easier to just scoop him up and feed him than walk around the house (because our apartment is so large and all haha) and 2. Chris' parents will be in town next week and staying in his room and as much as I am sure they will adore him, waking up at 4 am with him isn't so fun. On that topic, he only wakes up once and is totally stretching out his feedings - yaaay! I feed him at 10:30 or so and he sleeps until 4:15-4:30! Then he sleeps until 7ish and now he is taking regular, long morning naps so it has made the world of difference for my mornings! I still look at him at least 15 times a day and can't help but be so thankful we have such a good, happy, healthy little boy!
Anyway, Chris is out for the night so Cy and I are having a nice little date night. He, of course, passed out on me already (some date!) but I am thoroughly enjoying watching a crappy chick flick that I NEVER get to watch when Chris is around....he calls everything I watch "mindless tv"...which it is - but c'mon who needs to THINK while they are trying to zone out in front of the TV?! to finish my movie and enjoy the quiet around here! :)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Caught On Camera!!!

I finally got a pic of that sweet smile!! Ah so cute! He is such a good, happy baby and I am still knocking on wood that his amazing temperament sticks! He is just pleasant and happy and easy to read. The only times he ever is a tiny bit fussy is when I have pushed him a little too hard and he is overtired. He is a little dream baby. He is also changing so so much every day. He looks older already its just crazy. Right now, he is sleeping in his crib in his own room for the first time and went down for his nap like a champ (with the help of the amazing seahorse and sleep sheep of course)! He also absolutely loves to be put in his carrier - which makes me think I should spring for a sling or wrap thats a little bit more comfy around the house. Its nice to be able to hold him and still have my hands free - but the Bjorn does get a little cumbersome when you are doing more than just walking around - ie dishes and laundry! haha Anyway - three day weekend for Chris and then Cy gets to meet Grandma and Grandpa Roman! We ae super excted for them to get here!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Well, I took Cy for his one month check up and woah, baby! He is getting biiiig! He is now 10 lb. 10 oz. and 22 1/2 inches long!!! He is in the 90th percentile for height and 75th for weight - he is going to be a tall skinny guy just like his daddy! He is smiling a lot today too...I didn't have to make an obscene noise or ridiculous face - I just smiled at him and he smiled back! It was very cool.
I also have awesome pictures from our family photo shoot this is a sample! Happy Monday!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Weekend fun

Yesterday I actually got to hit up Fashion Valley and get some cute new clothes woohoo - everything in my wardrobe either doesn't fit or is not breastfeeding conducive! It was very nice to get some new stuff and get to just walk around the mall for a few hours. Then, today, we decided that since we have ZERO pictures of Chris, the baby, and me together, we should probably get that done before he gets any bigger. So, we set out with Ry to this really random, amazing, remote, secret location and took some pics! It was this awesome canyon in the North Park area that has this cool wooden swing and little foot bridges and lots of trees. We had fun and it was such a pretty day. I can't wait to see the photos! Then we decided to hit up Urban Solace since we were in the area and I was a happy Chelle! Got to get some of my favorite food with my favorite guys and actually got to order a drink off of the big girl's menu! Now we are just hanging out and relaxing on a beautiful Sunday.
Tomorrow Cy has his one month check up - can't wait to see how big he is getting! I will check back tomorrow and hopefully will have some pics to share from our little shoot today! :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

One Month Old!!

Cannot believe my little Cy is already a month old! How can it be? Time is zooming and life around here is awesome! Chris and I are exhausted and a little insane at times but we could not be any happier. It is amazing how much love and joy this little guy has brought into our lives in one short month. We are loving him so much and love watching him change every day. For starters, he is chunking out hard core and definitely doesn't look like that tiny newborn anymore and now he is smiling and definitely reacting more to us. He is turning into such an awesome little person right before our eyes! He is growing out of his newborn clothes and is already out of his newborn diapers...I had to buy size ones! This weekend we are going with Ry to take some family pictures so hopefully they look awesome and I'll share them on here asap!
Well, I am off to bed - but happy one month to my CyGuy!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Grunty Gus the Chunky Monkey

So, literally - day and night - all Cyler does is grunt! He doesn't make pretty little baby noises - he just grunts allllll the time. My little baby sounds like a goat! We don't sleep much around here - not because he is not sleeping well - because he still pretty much wakes up once in the middle of the night - but because he grunts! I am almost afraid he might have a little reflux because of the grunting and his tendency to spit up mass quantities, but for the most part he a pretty happy baby and is gaining weight like gang busters. At the breastfeeding support group yesterday, we weighed him, fed him, and weighed him again, to see how much he gets at a feeding. Well, his beginning weight was 10 lb. 5 oz.! Lordy! I was shocked! He is definitely getting enough of mama's milk! Then, to show just how much, after his feeding, his weight was 10 lb. 10 oz.!! Our little chunky monkey is getting 5 ounces at a feeding.....much more than I thought he was getting and much more than most babies. But, apparently I can't overfeed him right now so he is just a healthy growing boy! It was very reassuring to know that I am definitely producing enough and doing everything right. I think he might be going through some sort of growth spurt at the moment though because he definitely seems hungry more often and is eating for longer spurts....and today Mr. Happy-Go-Lucky CyCy was a mess! He decided he did not need to nap today for more than 10 minutes at a time and was definitely fussier than normal. He ate tons though and doesn't seem to be spitting up as much so that's good and he seems to be settling down this afternoon - of course - right as Chris gets home! Cy seems to always do better in the afternoon and evenings than int he morning and early afternoon - so when Chris comes home to a frazzled mommy and a happy quiet baby I'm sure he thinks I am being dramatic haha!
On another note - I am trying to learn how to do this blogging stuff better - my layout isn't very fun and creative and I am definitely not technologically advanced enough to figure out how to make it better - so any help and pointers would be great! :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Cyler is 4 weeks old!!!

My little CyCy is 4 weeks old today! CRAZY! Time is just zooming by and I can't believe how much he has already changed in 4 short weeks! He is smiling now and making lots of fun noises - we especially like the grunting day and night. He is also chunking out big time! I am going to a breastfeeding group today and will get to weigh him to see how big he has gotten but my guess is well over 9 pounds! Some of his newborn clothes are getting tight on him - he isn't quite into all of the 0-3 month stuff yet but he is definitely growing quickly!
The one thing I can tell about Cy - which makes me really happy - is that he is gonna be a water baby just like his mama! He absolutely loves taking baths and no matter how cranky he is it is the sure fire way to quiet him down. I have also been dumping water right on his face so when we finally do get him in the pool he won't be shocked with water splashing him in the eyes or anything. He also loves tummy time - score! He is already looking strong too - his neck control is great for his age and he seems to get stronger every day. One of Chris' favorite things to do is put him on his chest for a little tummy time and watch him climb up from Chris' waist all the way up to his neck. Chris is convinced he will be crawling much sooner than the average baby haha. But really he is getting so strong! He doesn't look and act like a little newborn anymore! It is very cool to watch the sudden changes but also a little sad! Last night we even put him in big boy jammies instead of a swaddle and he did great! We also started bottles last night and he got to eat with daddy for once - again - he did just great! Everyday I keep crossing my fingers and knocking on wood that this awesome behavior and temperament will stick around! So far he has been the dream baby and we definitely do not take it for granted!
On another note - I want to do something cute every month for Cy's "monthly birthday". I want to think of a cute idea for taking his picture once a month with something that shows hoe old he is but haven't thought of anything really original. He will be a month in just a few days so I hope I think of something soon! :)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Finally Back!

Well, I am back after a few month hiatus and life is definitely new in every way! Cyler Michael-Anthony Roman is here! He was born on July 27th at 5:29 pm right on time - on his exact due date! He measured up at 7 lb. 8 oz. and was 19 3/4 inches his 2 week check up he had already gained a full solid pound! He is a little eater and is already looking chunkier than his brand new baby self. Chris and I are already so in love and can't believe that we made such a perfect little guy. Along with his superior eating habits, he seems to be a good little night at least. During the wee morning hours and on through the afternoon he sleeps a lot less than should be expected from a brand new baby but he is happy and not usually cranky and has been an amazing baby so far! We feel so so blessed.
Grammie Carol got to come visit for a few short days from August 8th to the 11th and we were very very sad to see her go. We were so glad she got to see and meet CyCy when he was so brand new though. We got to get some great pics of Cy with his Grammie and Mommy too and Uncle Ryan did an awesome job! The pictures are beautiful and show how simply beautiful our little guy is!
Yesterday, Cy smiled for the first time (just short of 4 weeks old) and ever since yesterday morning, Chris and I have been acting like complete goofballs trying to recreate the event. He loves it when we pinch his cheeks and play with his bottom lip - it gets a good smile if we make insanely annoying sound effects along with it. But, it is so cool to see him reacting to us and connecting with us in little ways. I can't believe he is 4 weeks old tomorrow - He is changing and growing so quickly it is a little sad - but so so very exciting!
So far, Cy has been out and about a ton - to the beach and pool with friends, to the park, on a shopping trip with Mommy and Grammie Carol and already countless trips to Target! He is already such a good boy I can't believe it - let's just cross our fingers that it sticks! :)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Time is Flying By!!

Ok - so I am just at about 22 weeks - and seriously just had to google my due date to remember how far along I am!.....the time seems to be slipping right by me and I can't believe how close we are getting! Last weekend, Alison and I went to Babies R Us to register - it was cool getting to use the little gun and pick everything I wanted/needed....and crazy to see how much baby shit they have there! Unreal. Really. It was like a Costco full of everything and anything BABY! On a side note....I foudn this site that I am TOTALLY obsessed I will say - that it is so not most people's taste - but if you guys look at it - I am sure you will see how very "Chelle" it is...ah! I love it....and because I love it - I can see just how much of my mom I have in me - is soooo something my mom would love too (and I sent her the link and she DID love just about everything and is already plotting ways to make some of the stuff herself) - just check it out it is awesome! :)

On another side note - I am watching Iron Chef America - Battle Cabbage....and apparently brussel sprouts are little cabbages - or in that family - and I want brussels sprouts - but I have never eaten them ever! I just don't think Carol ever made them and it isn't like they have them just cooked up at most restaurants so I somehow avoided them my whole life......But - now I want them and I wanna find a recipe and go to the store and make 'em! So I will let you know how that goes! haha

Monday, February 22, 2010


Alright - soooo it is a BOY! We are stoked - but are already having issues with the name....I am pretty positive this kid won't have a name when I leave the hospital haha. We were looking at "C" names but I think that is out the window. I really don't love any of the ones we have found and we are moving on to another letter. There are tons of names I love but Chris doesn't and vice versa...I thin Chris' name of choice right now is Cash Money Roman! Very serious. He would love the baby to have his initials which is a nice sweet thing to do - but the C names are not flyin' right now...please let me know if you can think of cute ones...but we all know I am very hard to please :).

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

2 days ago, I went to the gym with Chris and he showed me some exercises to do to strengthen my core and so I followed along and did the planks and sit ups on balls and whatever else he had up his sleeve. And it has been 2 days and I wanna shoot myself. My tummy is KILLING me! I had to have Chris PUSH me up from bed this morning because it hurt too bad to use my stomach muscles to pull myself up! All day, any movements have been paaaaiiiiinfuuullll. UGH. I have to go to class tonight and climb this ridiculously huge flight of stairs and am already wishing I had someone to carry me up! WAAAY too out of shape and need to work my booty off if I want this pregnancy to be easy - not to mention the delivery! So I am attempting to suck it up and make it back into the gym - but NOT tonight because I might die.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

So, I was laying in bed just now, watching Bridezillas....(ughhh says Chris) and I was recalling a silly incident while riding the elevator to get more boxes out of our cars....the elevator skipped our floor entirely and I started bitching....well, all I have been doing lately is bitching, really, about everything, including the fact that I am getting fat - regardless of how many times Chris tells me I am SUPPOSED to be getting fat right now. Ok, so Chris then said that it didn't stop and skipped our floor because the elevator "knew" I was a "heifer with cheese." haha I then burst out laughing when the elevator skipped us again! So I am in bed right now - recalling this and we both burst out laughing except only one of us pees our pants...and it isn't Chris....ay dios mio....this baby is killing me and my underwear collection. 


UGHHHH. This move is NEVER going to end I swear! I just want it over with and wish my mom was here to get her stuff out of the house! It is toooo much! But, there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel but the baby's room is full of boxes and craft supplies that I haven't figured out how to organize yet - I am very thankful we decided to move well before the due date! haha. Anyway - I think I finally look pregnant and FAT and need Chris to take a picture although I have been dragging my feet because I don't wanna see how chunky I look haha. I guess I better do it now because from here on out - I will only get bigger!! 
On another note - Super Bowl is tomorrow and I could honestly give a rats ass haha. I don't even know if we are doing anything and I am ok with that - I have massive amounts of homework from this damn online class with a wackadoo professor who thinks 7 assignments a week and spending at LEAST 10 hours a week on his class is a "reasonable amount" of time and work....honestly....according to his syllabus from hell. Still better than my schedule from last semester so I digress. Anyhow - I have been feeling pretty good overall and am loving this second trimester thing a WHOLE LOT more than the 1st....that was such a drag - and I think will semi-prepare me for the third.....who am I kidding - I will probably be more miserable than before but at least I will be closer to the finish line and not so anxious about things to come. I have been having terribly weird dreams involving awful pregnancy complications that make me nervous - but I know myself well enough and the hypochondria has been around well before this tiny (orange - sized) baby! Alright - time for some tv and beddy-bye :) night night!

Monday, February 1, 2010


So, I don't look pregnant yet - just fat. I just look like I ate too many cheeseburgers or something and the worst part is that the only pants that are comfortable to wear already made me look enormous so now I just feel like the blob....its ridiculous. I seriously wish my belly was bigger right nw so at least people would know what was up instead of I wonder why Nathan and Katie's nanny wears the same fat pants every day?? None of my damn bras fit and I don't want to go up a damn size because I don't think the size I am now will last long - they just keep getting bigger and I never though I would say this but it needs to stop. I was driving down seaworld drive today to get onto the 5N...and what should I see along the road but multiple "Tsunami Evacuation Route" signs with a large arrow pointing in the direction of the road and now I have seen them everywhere including Ocean beach, about a block from the beach, pointing away from the beach...a few things...1. duh - if there was a huge effing wave coming my way, even if you were 100% new to seeing the Pacific Ocean, wouldn't your gut reaction be to run AWAY from the water?!? and perhaps if you need a sign to show you which direction to run, you should just let natural selection take its course.....2. where are these tsunamis anyway? is the government trying to slyly and subliminally let us know that we are totally doomed?...and 3. isn't the city of San Diego hurting for money? Why did they think this was a logical way to spend it?
Alright - ridiculously tired today so night night!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

ridiculous day

I am gonna start with the nitty gritty here - today sucked - I mean really really sucked. It was just a rough day and I had to get the shit allll completely out of my room which I have been dragging ass on. Then, I had an appointment at noon to give up Tobi and Rudi...ummm that was simply horrendous and made me feel like the worst person on the planet and like I was giving up on my puppies and it didn't help that I had a rough morning anyway and that my pregnant emotions are effing haywire! So - I go to the appointment and was teary on my way there and some guy was petting the dogs and talking about how cute and great they were when the lady who worked there came out to ask if I was there for the 12:00 appt. The guy asks me "oh what is the appt. for?"....harmless question right? Well I attempted to blurt out "I have to give them up" and instead burst into tears and gushed out half of my life story and why I could no longer keep my lovely doggies. Poor guy didn't know what hit him - luckily for the two of us he was a nice guy and didn't say anything I could misconstrue as judgement. We parted our ways and I am sure he was wishing he hadn't asked what my appoitment was for. Ok - so I wiped my face and chilled out and went on with the one and a half hour appointment semi-tearless, answering questions, having the dogs show us "behaviors" and sharing ever minute detail of their lives and day to day routines and behaviors. Well, I gave them my donation and she explained that they would be there until adopted and would try to get them into the same home since they obviously were pretty inseparable. She told me they were about to take them to see the vet and perform the same "behaviors" with a stranger and the whole process that would happen before they were put into their room. She said that she was ready to take them and could keep their harnesses and collars since they didn't keep them on them so she took em off and I gave them hugs and pets and of course I lost it completely. I was a bawling mess and she was actually really nice and understanding. Well, she put the leads on them and attempted to take them out the door and told me to wait there so they wouldn't get upset when they watched me leave and then they freaked out - they refused to budge and would not walk out the room so after a little while she had me leave through another door and I then cried my eyes out complete with hysterical sobs back to my car and felt like the worst person ever. Chris of course assured me that this is better for them - I just don't have the time or money for them and surely not the house. But, it was soooooo hard to walk away from my little dogs. 
Ok, so anyway - ah - I chilled out and calmed down and had to go back to my house to get my stuff out of my room and whatnot and Meghan and Ryan were there to meet me to help out and I walk through my front door and see my entire room in trash bags right before my eyes in the living room! My assinine (I don't know how to spell it) ex-roommate took it upon himself to completely throw all of my belongings into trash bags - I was more than infuriated - this guy is just a douche bag - I mean who does that? no one has signed a lease yet or sent my mom any credit check information and he has taken it upon himself to move his cousin into my room! Ugh - cannot WAIT to be 100% done with that house! And then Ryan reminded me that for the first time since 1940 - no one in our family was living in the house and it made me a little sad and nostalgic :(. I do love that house - just not the headaches it has been causing me in recent months. Ah! 
Ok - so now to the part to make you all laugh - today I peed my pants! No joke - I sneezed and peed my pants. Now, I have never peed my pants - I mean ask my mom - I was an easy kid to potty train and never wet the bed - ever. Ok - before Chris says anything - because I know he will - there was one time I peed in his bed - but to my defense it freaked me out and wa apparently because I had a bad bladder infection - I know because I got so freaked out I called my doctor - but I digress - this thing today - sneezing and peeing my pants - it isn't the first time - this has been happening for a couple weeks now and I wanna shoot myself. Apparently along with turning into an emotional psycho, having boobs that hurt to put in a bra, and eating green olives, I also get to piss myself when I laugh, cough, and sneeze! Not cool.
Alright folks - dinner time!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Busy Busy

I hate moving! I seriously wanna shoot myself - I have to get all the crap out of my mom's house today and no one seems to want to help me! :( Chris has to do stuff with his uncle and Ryan has to go to school and do some homework! ughhh - I do NOT wanna do this today AT ALL and unly have a few hours because I am taking Nathan and Katie to Disney on Ice at 3:30....we are super excited and it will be a welcome distraction to the house....also tomorrow I say goodbye to Tobi and Rudi - I am already really upset about it but don't have a choice. They are going to a place where they will be adopted eventually and hopefully find a good home the two of them can go together. It will no doubt be an emotional day. Anyway - I am off to my old house to get the room cleared out! 

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Icee cups for sale!

Ok - so first things first....I just got back from the huge scary Ralph's down the street....I mean seriously it is HUGE and SCARY! Last time I was there I literally almost had a panic attack in the cracker joke. I mean - this place has a post office, dry cleaner, Wells Fargo, and Golden Spoon right there in the grocery store! Not to mention an entire section of the store that is bigger than most 7-elevens that is completely kosher - I mean seriously Rabbis work there and everything. Not that I would need a kosher section anyway - but this store has it all! So, you an see how I would get flustered and wish I was back in my teeny tiny fresh and easy! BUT and this is a big BUT -- I found something in the freezer section that I didn't know existed! Wild Cherry Icees in little cups! not kidding - this is for real - and they are like little icees! They aren't hard and popsicle-ish like I expected either they are all nice and smooth and frosty! So stoked! So I stocked up and I think Chris would have let me buy an extra freezer to hold more of them in if they would have had too many to fit our fridge's freezer! Pretty sure he is sick of me begging him for an icee - which currently requires him to drive a not so short distance! 
Alright anyway - so Cassie gave me Jenny McCarthy's "Belly Laughs" to read and if I had had more than 10 minutes to read today it definitely would have been finished - soooo funny! And makes me ot feel so crazy! Apparently I am not the only one who throws hysterical fits and forgets simple tasks and passwords to accounts I have had for years.... :). Also - my dreams lately have been insanely out of control - usually I dream in one of two ways - I either have a dream that is so real and believable that I wake up thinking- omigod did that happen for real or not?? Or - they are so ridiculous and unbelievable that I find myself saying - ok Chelle this is a dream wake up now!.....well - not so much anymore - last night my dream consisted of hovercrafts attacking me and running to work 20 miles so I wouldnt be late and having Nathan take me for a scenic tour in my car....and I woke up freaking out. I was freaking out in my dream and then woke up wondering if I was late for work and had to tell myself that Nathan can't drive! Very effing weird. Anyway - I am exhausted today so I am hitting the hay! praying for no weird dreams! night night!

Monday, January 25, 2010

So, I was reading my "now you are 14 weeks pregnant" email and found out that the baby is over three inches long! I don't know why ut for some reason it seemed huge! haha. Apparently it is the size of a lemon - and yes I will continue to refer to the baby as "it" until it has an identified gender - which I WILL be finding out thank you for asking. I am already itching to get in that damn baby room and paint away! Not to mention my mom has been calling me every other day to tell me to send her fabric that I like so she can make bedding and I have to remind her I NEEEEED to know boy or girl first! I still haven't decided if I would prefer to have one over the other which is a good thing I guess - I won't be disappointed either way! Currently the consensus is - Chris and Lish are definite it is a boy, Meghan desperately wants it to be a girl - purely for her selfish reasons of wanting to buy cute clothes! (which I couldn't agree with more) and Mindy thought girl last time I saw her so I think we are 50/50....oh wait - Carol absolutely is insistent it is a girl because of the heart rate (wive's tale - I googled it) and I think Ryan thinks boy - although he is thinking of names more than gender haha. He has come up with some crazy ones and then denounced my crazy ones and told me he would never call his niece/nephew by such names and would instead give it a new one - we shall see how that goes haha. 
As far as I go - I have been feeling GREAT - seriously more calm and stress-free than in a long time - however, I think I am getting forgetful! My mind seems to be a little tricky lately I can't remember passwords for things or random things I would normally never forget. Other than those gliches I feel pretty good. 
Ah - Chris is making me watch House with him - be back later!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

So, having a little time this weekend to spend with Meghan and my long lost Cassie Kay was much needed. I had so much fun catching up and relaxing - not having to think about anything house related was very nice. Back home I have been lounging all afternoon even though I feel pretty good still. I think I am officially in the 2nd trimester - well I will be 14 weeks exactly on Tuesday but I feel great and have a ton more energy and have been more motivated to get stuff taken care of. I think Chris is stressing less lately too which is nice. I do still have a ton left to do at my old house but am not as stressed about it - on Friday I went over there and took a look at my insanely gross room and was like - I don't want any of this shit at all - so I am literally boxing it all up for a mega yard sale - which will be greatly appreciated with a little extra moolah! 
So, right now I am watching a show on TLC about the tallest family in the UK and have a hunch Chris and I are well on our way! I take after my 6'5" dad and come in at 5'9" - which isn't huge but definitely above average and combined with Chris' height of 6'6"ish - I am afraid this kid will come out 30 inches long! But, perhaps that will mean big birth weight (cross your fingers) and will let this baby get out a wee bit early! We need all the time we can get if we are going to make it to Amanda's wedding on August 6th! 
Anyway - no new cravings - I have actually been eating healthier lately and still weigh less than I did before I found out I was pregnant which I am not complaining about - I was big enough to begin with and the doc says it is just fine as long as I don't steadily lose - which I am not. I am secretly hoping I stay the same weight the entire pregnancy and the weight will just redistribute from my butt to my belly - wishful thinking! Well, I will try to be more regular on here! tata!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

So, it's been awhile but we have been in crazy moving mode.....we are officially in the new apartment, but still have a ton to do at my house and have a lot to still buy furniture wise for the new place! Next weekend I am gonna drive up to Orange County to see Cassie and Meghan so I am stoked but that means that this is THE weekend to get everything (well most of everything) situated! And then on the 30th, I am taking Nay-Nay and Katie-Pie to Disney on Ice at the Sports Arena - so I am reallly hoping everything is done today and tomorrow! 
Well-pregnancy wise, the mood swings have chilled out and the nausea has definitely subsided as I am inching toward trimester 2! Which is a huuuuge relief! Unusually enough I think I feel more chilled out and stress-free than I have ever felt - which is certainly weird seeing as how I am usually a stress case over nothing and right now there is absolutely a TON to be stressed about! haha. Well - the other day I bought a jar of green olives with pimento which I haven't had since I was about 5 or so - so if the ultrasound wasn't a big enough indicator - my craving was! Be back later!