Friday, August 27, 2010

One Month Old!!

Cannot believe my little Cy is already a month old! How can it be? Time is zooming and life around here is awesome! Chris and I are exhausted and a little insane at times but we could not be any happier. It is amazing how much love and joy this little guy has brought into our lives in one short month. We are loving him so much and love watching him change every day. For starters, he is chunking out hard core and definitely doesn't look like that tiny newborn anymore and now he is smiling and definitely reacting more to us. He is turning into such an awesome little person right before our eyes! He is growing out of his newborn clothes and is already out of his newborn diapers...I had to buy size ones! This weekend we are going with Ry to take some family pictures so hopefully they look awesome and I'll share them on here asap!
Well, I am off to bed - but happy one month to my CyGuy!

1 comment:

  1. Such a GREAT idea Chelle! I am so sad I'm not closer to see him grow every week! Can't wait for more of Ryan's pictures! Love & miss you guys! - Lish
