Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tall skinny bebe

So, we went to the doctor for Cy's 2 month check up and he is gonna be one tall skinny boy....just like daddy! He weighs 12lb. 2oz. (4lb. 10oz. more than birth) and is 24.5 inches long (4.75 inches up from birth)! He is in the 59th percentile for weight and 95th for height. Projected to be about 6'5", 180 lb.....does this sound like someone you know?! haha...He also said what he said at his one month appointment...he should continue to grow quickly until he reaches the 100th percentile for height or beyond, getting there by about 9 months! YIKES! One tall baby coming right up! I know Chris is already excited about getting him onto the basketball court.
On another note, he also got his first round of vaccines today :(. He definitely cried a little but don't worry, mommy was just fine! He was a little cranky today, but tonight he decided to just hang with mommy and smile, smile, smile! What a love!

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